Serves 6
INGREDIENTS FOR THE FRITTERS 50g Sweetcorn 4 Courgettes, grated 200g Self raising flour 10g Salt Water to add to paste 20g Turmeric INGREDIENTS FOR THE SOUP 1 onion 1 spoonful butter 4 garlic cloves Half a bag of frozen peas Handful of chopped mint 4 cups of stock (I use chicken) but of-course you can use veggie Season to taste METHOD TO MAKE THE FRITTERS
Grate the courgetti and squeeze out excess water put in a bowl with corn. Mix the flour, water, turmeric, salt together then add the mix to the courgette and sweetcorn, looking for a gooey paste that holds well. Dip spoon In fryer then take a spoonful and slide it into the fryer until golden brown. METHOD TO MAKE THE SOUP Melt butter and add onions and garlic. Add peas, stock and mint and simmer for 5 mins. Blitz until smooth. I add a few dollops of creme fraiche at the end. Season to taste and serve. |